Life isn't about getting to the destination

--it's about the journey. So don't think that you have to rush to get to the destination. The destination isn't important; the journey is the important part, what you take time for, what you learn and experience along the way. The journey is also where you find Me and where you learn about Me. That's what life is about, and if you don't take the time to get to know Me, then you will miss the meaning of the whole trip.


Nuturing vs sheltering

I wrote this while pregnant with Miss #2 -and over 4 years later my opinion hasn't changed:

When my children are of age, they too will have to make the choice as to what kind of life they want to lead, and whatever their choice I will be there to support them and love them for it. They will have to make their own decisions, but I will know that I will have given them the best opportunities and experience to help them make an educated decision.

I'm happy to see that TFI's official stance is being spelt out clearly on the topic of children's education and child rearing. It's about time. :)


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