Life isn't about getting to the destination

--it's about the journey. So don't think that you have to rush to get to the destination. The destination isn't important; the journey is the important part, what you take time for, what you learn and experience along the way. The journey is also where you find Me and where you learn about Me. That's what life is about, and if you don't take the time to get to know Me, then you will miss the meaning of the whole trip.


All in a days work...

Parenting... ahh, I love it. How else can you find humor in or experience these things?:

Watch the pleasure and surprise unfold simultaneously on your young childs face when a perfect stranger hands them a small gift.

Catch a 7-inch stool with your bare hand in the nick of time. Calmly wrap it in a tissue whilst guiding your stunned little one to the approprate place to excrete such things and directing the older ones to pick their jaws off the floor and continue with their chores . The carpet is SAFE! It could be worse.

Name the pigeon who built a nest in the tree at our gate. We get to watch her raise her babies. :)

Celebrate the newfound fearlessness of a 6 yr old who discovers that grasshoppers and dragonflies are harmless and easy to catch. (We're still waiting for her sisters to catch on)

Read the same story several days in a row, no less than 3 times a day until your 4 yr old has it memorised and "reads" (quotes it) to daddy upon his return. Realise that it has sparked an interest in drawing other things besides "puffy-dressed-princesses".

Enjoy the summer rain and notice that whoever passes by breaks into a grin as they watch your children play in the puddles as only children can.

Turn to see your child who was beside you a second ago stumble and fall on a downwards escalator then try to CRAWL back up it fingers just millimeters away from the comb; frantically hoist your other child onto your hip and struggle to climb back up the escalator to help your fallen child. Just when you realise you're not going to make it an angel (in the form of a large man with a shaved head, arrayed in t-shirt & shorts) suddenly appears from above, picks her up and carry's her down to you. You exhale and know that God answers prayers in an instant, even if all you had time to beam up was "Give me the strength".

Stare in wonder at the beauty and peace of a sleeping child and in that moment remember why you do this.


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